Pivot Tables Without the Pivot “Table” (Part-II)

If you haven’t read Part-I then I will come and haunt you in your dreams. . . . Now that we have our XML ready, we can mimic pivot table behavior with it. Well, Kinda. Pivot tables are easy to customize, whereas what I’m about to show you right now is not nearly as customizable…
Pivot Tables Without the “Pivot Table” (Part-I)

While Automation Anywhere is fantastic at Excel Automation, there are instances where it falls short but it’s not due to negligence. It isn’t practical to develop Actions or Commands for every conceivable operation, because maintaining that would be a nightmare, let along developing them which is why I believe it’s important for RPA Developers to…
AA: Show XML Some Love

While HTML displays data on the web, XML stores and transfers data. Sure, there is a lot more to it than that, but its better to keep things short and simple so that people can follow along and won’t ask any difficult questions. Ok I’ll be honest, I’m not really that good at XML. Every…
AA: RPA Comes in Various Shapes, Sizes and Customization Forms (Part – III)

Now that you have learnt how to create forms, or at least know “what” Interactive Forms are, it’s time to make those Forms Interactive. Sure, the rules make it interactive, but it doesn’t bring it to life. You need a bot to breathe life into is so that it may receive/provide inputs. Remember, the Form…
LINQuist: Order By “Phrases”

If you know how to order items in a DataTable by a given column, then you are probably looking for something a little more advanced. But really, how much more advanced can we get with this? Why would I want to order it any more than it already is? There are times when the OrderBy…
LINQuist: Order By

Making sweet, sweet progress. Not only are you away of the two syntaxes with which you can construct LINQ, you also know how to filter and project data into whatever shape you want! Now it’s time to up your game by learning how to order data, but first here is something that I have to…
AA: RPA Comes in Various Shapes, Sizes and Customizable Forms (Part-II)

Last time, we learnt how to create and customize forms, and today, we will learn how to add rules to our forms. Why add rules? Because RPA is rule-based (get it?). No but seriously, why bother adding rules? I Need an Answer If you’ve explored forms before, then you’d have noticed that there are validations…
LINQuist: Select the Columns You Want

Working with Data isn’t limited to merely filtering out the items you don’t want or merging it with similar data…which is a topic for another day. You might also have to slice and dice them until they fit the requirement. Clients come with all sorts of fancy requirements these days, so it’s crucial that you…
AA: RPA Comes in Various Shapes, Sizes and Customizable Forms(Part-I)

RPA is composed of scripts bundled up into click and drag automation blocks with which we can develop automations in less time than it would take a Python or JavaScript developer to develop, which is why it has captured the market like wildfire. Automation is automation, but because its automation, people aren’t too comfortable working…
LINQuist: Select

With Where, we have learnt how to be selective about the data we want. It uses conditions to filter out data before boxing it up with the same paper wrapping it came in. But Where is built to manipulate data, not the schema which houses it. You can’t filter a DataTable and compartmentalize it into…