Monthly Archives: August 2021
What if My Client Asks…
Clients are notorious for biting off more than they can chew, and it’s done on purpose since they aren’t the ones doing the chewing. It’s the developer/consultant’s job to chew and process client requirements into an application or resolution. If you fail to offer the resolution they are looking for, they will continue to chew…
Extracting Tables That Aren’t Tables: A Smarter Approach
If you’ve been following my previous posts, you would have realized that although the process delivers results, it delivers them after a considerable amount of time. Not only is the execution time lengthy, there is a level of complexity which is unavoidable, since we have to study the HTML structure first, then test out various…
What RPA is NOT
There are folks out there who think RPA is child’s play, and there are those loitering about on the other end of the spectrum who think RPA is super complicated. We will address Five common misconceptions today starting with, #1 “RPA Is Just Click and Drag – Watch Me Do It With My Eyes Closed!”…
AA: Extracting Tables That Aren’t Tables(Part-II)
In our last post, we were able to successfully extract data from each column. Today we will outline the logic for looping through each line item in the web table, extracting its contents, and storing it in proper format. Simply put, we will extract the table as it is, even though the HTML structure isn’t…
Browser Migration Using Regex. Yes You Read That Correctly(Part-II)
In the previous post, we had a brief introduction to the concepts we will rely on to perform our browser migration. Yes, I am well aware that UiPath has a Browser Migration tool, but this isn’t being written to replace anything UiPath already has. This is to show you how reliable regex can be, once…